Go Green – Recycling

With the rapid release of new technologies, it is estimated that 1/5 of the current 6 Million computers / equipments in Hong Kong will be retired on an annual basis, this replacement rate is much higher than other household appliances which is generating more waste and environmental impacts. Although most of the discarded computers and accessories get recycled in the second hand market, but some portion ends up at a landfill and if not properly dismantled and discarded, it could become an hazard waste, which could harm us and our planet.

So please think twice before looking at unnecessary replacement, and if upgrade is really needed, please consider donating the old equipments to HKCAA so that we can refurbish it and give them to the under-privilege individual and families in need; while helping to maintain a greener planet for everyone.

Computer Recycling Assistance Program

The recycling of Computers and Computer Accessories is an voluntary program, which is mainly funded and cooperated by corporations, charitable organisations and environmental groups, with the aim to provide an environmentally friendly way to manage and collect the computer and communication products. The objective of this Recycling Program is to collect used computers and equipments from donors then HKCAA will clean, refurbish, repair and upgrade them to a usable state before giving them or selling them (at minimum cost) to people in need, including under-privilege individual and families; and for computers and equipments that cannot be fix or repair, we will dismantle them and send them to the appropriate recyclers. Another purpose is to educate and raise the public awareness to Reduce Waste, Reuse and Recycling of computer and communications equipments.

We are dedicated to protect our environment and to provide helping hands to those in need; so please help us with your donations and make a great contribute to a greener world for everyone, forever…

The recovered items accepted

  • Desktop Computers *
  • Portable Computer – including notebooks and ultrabooks *
  • Monitor *
  • Printer *
  • Scanner *
  • Other computer products, such as a keyboard, external storage, mouse, headphones and speakers, etc.

Online Donation Form

Please kindly support the Hong Kong Computer Aid Association, your kind donation and contribution will help promote environmental conservation and support the under-privilege individual and families.